Hopkins Homes - Kingsfleet, Thetford
We are currently working with renowned developer Hopkins Homes on their major new development of 5000+ homes in Thetford known as KingsFleet. Kingsfleet is located on the northern edge of Thetford, adjoining the A11 for easy access and convenience. The vision for Kingsfleet is to create a thriving, sustainable community, with a wide range of high-quality new homes, designed to suit today’s lifestyles.
Scope of Works
Construction of temporary haul road, site topsoil strip, excavations for lagoons and installation of drainage, roads & plot works.
This project will also include
- Sewer diversions
- Adoptable foul and surface water drainage
- Adoptable roads and footpaths
- Service mains and road ducts
- Section 278 highway improvements